Empowering God’s Children

The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People mandates training for children on how to keep themselves safe from sexual abuse and exploitation. Cardinal Tobin’s mandated implementation of the Virtus K-12 safe environment program, Empowering God’s Children, formerly Teaching Touching Safety, continues to represent the commitment that the Archdiocese of Newark has made to protect the children in our care from all types of abuse and to be advocates for their safety.

  • The programs we have been offering for nearly two decades will continue in our Catholic schools.
  • Beginning in September of 2022, parish catechetical programs for children attending public schools are required to implement this program.
  • Parishes have options to choose from when deciding how best to implement this program with their parish children and their families.  
  • The program is available in English and Spanish.
  • PCLs can access all the resources in Helpful Links


Questions or concerns? Contact Karen Clark Director, Department for the Protection of the Faithful
at 973-497-4254 or Karen.Clark@rcan.org